Mora Schools hosted keynote speaker Cindra Kamphoff in our new auditorium. Motivating presentation on Top 10 practices "Beyond Grit". A great way to kick off the school year.
over 1 year ago, Dan Voce
Here is the latest electronic edition of the August 2023 Mustang Express.
over 1 year ago, Briana Lukenbill
August Mustang Express
An awesome day breaking in the new football fields with a 5 school scrimmage for Varsity, JV, and C-Squad teams.
over 1 year ago, Charles Whitbred
varsity scrimmages
JV and C scrimmages
We are ready to welcome staff and students in the new Mora High School. A beautiful space for our students, staff, and community. Mustang pride.
over 1 year ago, Dan Voce
First practice
Classroom wing
Mora Public School Families, One of the changes to the new campus will be the increase in traffic during specific times of the day. We all know the traffic flow 10-15 minutes before and after school is always busy. Mora Schools has been meeting and discussing options for managing traffic flow at and around our campus with the City of Mora, Kanabec County, and MnDOT these past three years. Below are some strategies Mora Schools along with our city, county, and state partners have developed to maximize traffic flow and create safe routes to schools. - The new Mora High School will have two entrances and exits to access the school and parking lot. One off of 9th Street and another off of Grove Street. - Mora Elementary and High School will have staggered start and end times. Elementary students who are picked up or walk will be released earlier to provide better traffic flow. - MES will release students at 2:55 pm and MHS will release students at 3:00 pm. - Mora High School will have a longer queue for drop off and pick up to help alleviate congestion on 9th Street. These vehicles will exit north out of the parking lot and onto Grove Street. - The City of Mora and MnDOT will add a left turn lane on Hwy 65 to enter 9th Street. This will help traffic turn onto 9th Street. In addition, MnDOT has extended their Hwy 65 and Hwy 23 corridor study to include the 9th St./Hwy 65 intersection. Although the project will not be completed for several more years, it is helpful to know this intersection will be studied and reviewed. The City of Mora has secured a Safe Routes to School grant to extend the walking trail from 9th to Wood Street, connecting a safe off-street pedestrian route to and from school and residential and downtown areas. Mora Schools will continue to work closely with our city, county, and state agencies to observe, review, and make needed adjustments and improvements to help manage traffic during peak times before and after school. We will continue to communicate and educate students, parents, staff, and community members about school transportation and traffic management. We pledge to do our very best to create a safe school zone, maximize traffic flow, and make adjustments as needed. Thank you in advance for your patience and cooperation as we navigate these changes.
over 1 year ago, Briana Lukenbill
Attention; MN-DOT and the City of Mora will begin road construction on Hwy 65 on Monday, August 28th. They will be adding a left-hand turn lane on Hwy 65 onto 9th Street. We are asking students, staff and families to avoid using the intersection of Hwy 65 and 9th Street during construction. Construction is expected to be completed at the end of October 2023. When finished, the new turn lane will provide better access and traffic flow to 9th Street. Please use the following routes when accessing or leaving the schools/Welia Center: -Incoming traffic should utilize Maple Avenue to Wood Street for access to 9th Street. -Departing traffic from MES and MHS should travel west on 9th Street (turn right) and use Wood Street to Maple Avenue for access to Hwy 65. Please drive carefully and be observant of school buses, students, and other pedestrians. Thank you for your cooperation and patience during construction and the start of the new school year. Go Mustangs!
over 1 year ago, Briana Lukenbill
Road Construction
We are a week away from our Student Open House. Please see the attached building-specific Open House information. High School: A printed copy of your schedule will be available in the Counselor’s Office if you are a new student in our district.  Returning students should access their class schedule via Student Vue/Parent Vue on August 30th.  At 7:00 p.m., we will run a shortened “mock school day” for all students in grades 7-12.  Students will start at their 1st hour with their teacher, and then go to their subsequent hours.  The mock schedule will help you familiarize yourself with the new building.  Also, please attend your designated student/parent grade-level meeting with me in our brand-new auditorium. See the attached MHS Open House flyer. Mora Elementary: We are asking that you try to come during the suggested time that your child’s last name is listed on the flyer.  Spacing out the visitors in the classroom helps us ensure we can talk with each student and family that visits.  See the attached MES Open House flyer. We look forward to seeing you soon! Go Mustangs!
over 1 year ago, Briana Lukenbill
We appreciate your cooperation and understanding as we continue to work on enhancing our new high school building. Please be advised that the main high school entrance remains under construction and is unavailable for foot traffic at this time. For the safety and convenience of all, we kindly request that you continue to use the Wellness Center entrance for the duration of this week. This entrance has been designated as the appropriate point of entry until further notice. Thank you for your flexibility and patience as we work to create an exceptional environment for our school community. Your adherence to these instructions contributes to the smooth operation of our facilities and the safety of everyone involved.
over 1 year ago, Briana Lukenbill
Mustang Care (before and after school child care) is looking for additional assistants for the upcoming school year. Please see link for more details:
over 1 year ago, Janel Murphy
Official Mustang logo.
Mora Elementary School is looking to fill the Head Cook/Team Lead position. For more information, see link:
over 1 year ago, Janel Murphy
Official Mustang logo.
Link to Vanco for adult yearly pass
over 1 year ago, Charles Whitbred
Senior citizens lifetime passes will be available in the district office starting 8/28 from 9am - 4pm.
over 1 year ago, Charles Whitbred
Mora Elementary School is in need of a Kindergarten Paraprofessional, see link for more details:
over 1 year ago, Janel Murphy
Official Mustang logo
We are getting one step closer to putting on the finishing touches on the new Mora High School! The parking lots and roads around the new Mora High School will be closed for striping on Tuesday, August 15th and Wednesday, August 16th of this week.  Please plan on parking in the Mora Elementary School parking lot. The site will also be busy throughout the week with landscaping projects so please try to avoid this area as much as possible.
over 1 year ago, Briana Lukenbill
Road Closed
ParentVUE is great a web/mobile application tool to access your student’s academic information and much more!
over 1 year ago, Briana Lukenbill
THIS WEEK! **IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT** Starting August 7th-11th we will be paving the roads around the new Mora High School. We ask that everyone please refrain from using the roads/parking lot in that area during that time. Parking will be available at the Elementary. Thank you for your cooperation.
over 1 year ago, Briana Lukenbill
Road Closed
Check out this flyer to learn more about educational tax relief programs. If you are buying school supplies for your children, you may qualify for one or both of them!
over 1 year ago, Grace Kubesh
Save Receipts for your child's Education Expenses.
**IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT** Starting August 7th-11th we will be paving the roads around the new Mora High School. We ask that everyone please refrain from using the roads/parking lot in that area during that time. Parking will be available at the Elementary. Thank you for your cooperation.
over 1 year ago, Briana Lukenbill
Road Closed
Don't forget! Next Wednesday, August 9th is our Substitute Workshop! Pre-Register at: OR by contacting the District Office at 320.679.6200.
over 1 year ago, Briana Lukenbill
Sub Workshop
The District Office is hiring for the position of Business Manager. Please see link for more details:
over 1 year ago, Janel Murphy
Official Mustang logo