Mora Public Schools March 2025 Mustang Express cover and school logo
SCHOOL BOARD REGULAR MEETING NOTICE WHO: ISD #332 - MORA SCHOOL BOARD WHEN: THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 27TH, 2025 TIME: 6:30 P.M. *LOCATION: MORA HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT BOARDROOM #1100A 118 9TH STREET MORA, MN 55051 PURPOSE: A. Regular Meeting Business B. Other Business C. Adjournment The meeting is being recorded. Access to the livestream and/or recording will be made available on the School District’s website at: or as soon as reasonably possible.
AGENDA BOARD OF EDUCATION INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT 332 Organization Meeting/Regular Meeting Mora High School Boardroom #1100A February 27th, 2025 6:30 P.M. 1. Call to Order a. Pledge of Allegiance b. Roll Call c. Approve Meeting Agenda 2. Approve Meeting Agenda 3. Open Forum I - Individuals wanting to speak at the Open Forum shall fill out a blue card stating the reason for addressing the board. The Board Chair will limit the time available in the Forum so that the regular business of the district can be completed on time. Personal attacks on individuals will not be allowed. All presenters will conduct their business in a manner that meets community standards for decorum. The board will not take action on items presented in the Open Forum. 4. Mustang Spirit Recognition 5. Revised Budget- Business Manager, Eric Bartusch 6. American Indian Grant Update - Darcy Qual 7. 2026 German Club Exchange and Trip Presentation - Amanda Stenberg 8. FFA Update & Celebrating National FFA Week - Jennifer McCauley 9. Special School Board Election Information - Business Manager, Eric Bartusch 10. Consent Agenda a. Investment Balance, Exp/Rev Summary, Internal Transfers (To Be Placed on File for Audit) b. Approve January Bill List c. Approve Construction January Invoice List (None) d. Approve Minutes
AGENDA BOARD OF EDUCATION INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT 332 Work Session Board Meeting Mora High School Boardroom, Room #1100A Monday, February 10, 2025 After Closed Session 	  Call to Order Roll Call Agenda Approval  2025 Mora School Board and Superintendent Goals  Mora Blue Devil Request   Other  Adjournment
SCHOOL BOARD MEETING - SPECIAL CLOSED SESSION NOTICE     WHO:			ISD #332 - MORA SCHOOL BOARD  WHEN:			MONDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 2025  TIME:	4:00 PM   *LOCATION:		MORA HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT BOARDROOM #1100A 				118 9TH STREET 				MORA, MN  55051   PURPOSE:	Special Closed Session -  Pursuant to Minn. Stat. 13D.05, Subd. 3(c) -  Discussion of development and sale of school district properties #: 22.00100.00, #22.02280.00, #22.04295.00, #22.04305.00, #22.04310.00, #22.04340.00, #22.04345.00, #22.04350.00, #22.04425.00, #22.02295.00, #22.02635.00, #22.04285.00   B.	Move to Open Session  C.	Adjournment of Special Closed Session   The meeting is being recorded.  Access to the livestream and/or recording will be made available on the School District’s website at: or as soon as reasonably possible.
SCHOOL BOARD WORK SESSION   MEETING  NOTICE    WHO: ISD #332 - MORA SCHOOL BOARD  WHEN: MONDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 2025  TIME: AFTER THE SPECIAL MEETING  *LOCATION: MORA HIGH SCHOOL  DISTRICT BOARDROOM #1100A  118 9TH STREET  MORA, MN  55051  PURPOSE: A. Work Session Business  B. Adjournment The meeting is being recorded.  Access to the livestream and/or recording will be made available on the School District’s website at: or as soon as reasonably possible.
Mora Public Schools Letterhead. SCHOOL BOARD  REGULAR MEETING  NOTICE     WHO:			ISD #332 - MORA SCHOOL BOARD   WHEN:			THURSDAY, JANUARY 23RD, 2025   TIME:	6:30 P.M.   *LOCATION:		MORA HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT BOARDROOM #1100A 				118 9TH STREET 				MORA, MN  55051   PURPOSE:	A.	Regular Meeting Business  B.	Other Business  C.	Adjournment   The meeting is being recorded.  Access to the livestream and/or recording will be made available on the School District’s website at: or as soon as reasonably possible.
Mora Public Schools Letterhead- SCHOOL BOARD ORGANIZATIONAL    WHO:			ISD #332 - MORA SCHOOL BOARD   WHEN:			THURSDAY, JANUARY 6TH, 2025  TIME:			6:30 PM   *LOCATION:		MORA HIGH SCHOOL, BOARDROOM #1100A  				118 9TH STREET 				MORA, MN  55051   PURPOSE:		A.	Election of Officers 				B.	Organizational Items and Committee  Appointments C.	Other Business 				   The meeting is being recorded.  Access to the livestream and/or recording will be made available on the School District’s website at: or as soon as reasonably possible.
Mora Public Schools Letterhead. SCHOOL BOARD REGULAR  MEETING  NOTICE     WHO:			ISD #332 - MORA SCHOOL BOARD   WHEN:			THURSDAY, DECEMBER 19TH, 2024   TIME:	6:30 P.M.   *LOCATION:		MORA HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT BOARDROOM #1100A 				118 9TH STREET 				MORA, MN  55051   PURPOSE:	A.	Regular Meeting Business  B.	Other Business  C.	Adjournment   The meeting is being recorded.  Access to the livestream and/or recording will be made available on the School District’s website at: or as soon as reasonably possible.
Mora Public Schools Letterhead. SCHOOL BOARD WORK SESSION  MEETING  NOTICE     WHO:			ISD #332 - MORA SCHOOL BOARD   WHEN:			MONDAY, DECEMBER 9TH, 2024   TIME:	AFTER THE SPECIAL MEETING   *LOCATION:		MORA HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT BOARDROOM #1100A 				118 9TH STREET 				MORA, MN  55051   PURPOSE:	A.	Work Session Business  B.	Adjournment   The meeting is being recorded.  Access to the livestream and/or recording will be made available on the School District’s website at: or as soon as reasonably possible.
Mora Public Schools Letterhead. SCHOOL BOARD MEETING - CLOSED SESSION NOTICE     WHO:			ISD #332 - MORA SCHOOL BOARD   WHEN:			MONDAY, DECEMBER 9TH, 2024   TIME:	5:00 PM   *LOCATION:		MORA HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT BOARDROOM #1100A 				118 9TH STREET 				MORA, MN  55051   PURPOSE:	A.	Move into Closed Session- Pursuant to Minn. Stat. 13D.05, Subd. 3(c) -  Discussion of development and sale of school district properties #: 22.04345.00, 22.04350.00, 22.04340.00, 22.02280.00  B.	Move to Open Session  C.	Adjournment of Special Closed Session   The meeting is being recorded.  Access to the livestream and/or recording will be made available on the School District’s website at: or as soon as reasonably possible.
Copy of the December 2024 Mustang Express Cover: Mustang Express, Mora Public Schools, December 2024, Logo
Cookies & Conversation with Superintendent Dan Voce. Come have cookies & join in on a conversation with Superintendent Dan Voce from Mora Public Schools. Thursday November 14th, 2024 from 4:00pm - 4:30pm MHS District Board Room. Please check in with the District Office when you arrive.
MPS Letterhead: SCHOOL BOARD REGULAR MEETING     WHO:			ISD #332 - MORA SCHOOL BOARD   WHEN:			THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 21ST, 2024   TIME:			6:30 PM   *LOCATION:	MORA HIGH SCHOOL, BOARD ROOM 1100A 118 9TH STREET	 MORA, MN  55051   PURPOSE:		A.	Regular Board Business 				B.	Other Business C.	Adjournment 				   The meeting is being recorded.  Access to the livestream and/or recording will be made available on the School District’s website at: or as soon as reasonably possible.
Mora Public Schools Letterhead.  SCHOOL BOARD WORK SESSION  MEETING NOTICE     WHO:			ISD #332 - MORA SCHOOL BOARD   WHEN:			THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 2024   TIME:			5:00 PM   *LOCATION:		MORA HIGH SCHOOL, BOARD ROOM #1100A 				118 9TH STREET 				MORA, MN  55051   PURPOSE:		A.	Work Session Business 				B. 	Other Business 				C. 	Adjournment  				  The meeting is being recorded.  Access to the livestream and/or recording will be made available on the School District’s website at: or as soon as reasonably possible.
Mora Public Schools Letterhead. SCHOOL BOARD SPECIAL MEETING NOTICE     WHO:			ISD #332 - MORA SCHOOL BOARD   WHEN:			THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 2024   TIME:			6:30 PM   *LOCATION:		MORA HIGH SCHOOL, BOARD ROOM #1100A 				118 9TH STREET 				MORA, MN  55051   PURPOSE:		A.	Special Meeting Business 				B. 	Other Business 				C. 	Adjournment  				  The meeting is being recorded.  Access to the livestream and/or recording will be made available on the School District’s website at: or as soon as reasonably possible.
Kanabec County Comprehensive Safety Action Plan. Safe Streets for All. Kanabec County is developing a Safe Streets and Roads for All (SS4A) Comprehensive Safety Action Plan to reduce fatal and serious injury crashes for all road users (pedestrians, drivers, bicyclists, and public transit users) on County-owned roadways. We want to hear from you: Fill out the Interactive Map. Respond to the Survey. Find more information on the Kanabec County website. Thank you!
Mora Public Schools Letterhead. SCHOOL BOARD REGULAR MEETING   WHO: ISD #332 - MORA SCHOOL BOARD  WHEN: THURSDAY, OCTOBER 24TH, 2024  TIME: 6:30 PM  *LOCATION: MORA HIGH SCHOOL, BOARD ROOM 1100A  118 9TH STREET  MORA, MN  55051   PURPOSE: A. Regular Board Business  B. Other Business  C. Adjournment  The meeting is being recorded.  Access to the livestream and/or recording will be made available on the School District’s website at: or as soon as reasonably possible.