Our Mora Elementary students are excited to get a healthy breakfast each day.
over 3 years ago, Dan Voce
Mora Elementary
Recent photos from the new high school building project: https://www.moraschools.org/page/mhs-new-construction
over 3 years ago, Tim Peterson
New High School Construction photo
Friday night lights at Bergloff-Deis field. Home of the Mora Mustangs.
over 3 years ago, Dan Voce
Bergloff-Deis field
Mustang Football
2021-2022 Mora Public School Return to In-Person COVID-19 Mitigation Matrix (Updated September 14, 2021) https://5il.co/z89f
over 3 years ago, Tim Peterson
Covid-19 Mitigation Plan
We are grateful to have dedicated bus drivers to deliver our most precious cargo. Thanks for all you do.
over 3 years ago, Dan Voce
Mora Bus Drivers
Mora Bus Drivers