23-24 Preschool Applications are now being accepted. You can fill out the google form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSek2tZvPH4KpRlZk7vLE7OHqUBY9fbbxPvp9CdbcsKJbktVNQ/viewform You can print out the form and return to the school. https://5il.co/1prr0
almost 2 years ago, Mora Public Schools
smiling sunshine
Here is the March 2023 District Newsletter. See what's happening in Mora Schools! https://www.smore.com/tb25g
almost 2 years ago, Kelly Fischer
March 2023 District Newsletter
Entering the last 6 months of construction of the new Mora High School. Pictures of progress.
almost 2 years ago, Dan Voce
Music suite
upper commons
Lower commons
The Mora Elementary Book Fair is in full swing and runs through Monday, March 13th! Students can shop during their library time or during conferences.
almost 2 years ago, Briana Lukenbill
Book Fair
Greetings Parents, Students, and Staff, As most of you have heard, due to the number of snow days, Mora Schools has used all of our allowed E-learning days. Any further snow days or school cancellations will be made-up as follows: The first make-up snow day will be June 2nd, 2023. The second make-up snow day will be April 11th, 2023 or June 5th, 2023, depending on the date of the cancellation. If there are no additional snow days the calendar will remain the same.
almost 2 years ago, Kelly Fischer
ISS Supervisor Paraprofessional NEEDED. Please see link for detail https://5il.co/1q6d3
almost 2 years ago, Janel Murphy
Official Mustang logo.
The Minnesota Elementary School Principals’ Association (MESPA) recognized Randy Qual, principal of Mora Elementary, Mora School District, with the 2023 MESPA Division Leadership Achievement Award for MESPA’s Central Division. Principals are responsible for promoting a positive school culture, guiding instruction, and providing leadership in their buildings. The award honors principals whose exemplary leadership and sustained efforts have made noteworthy contributions to the operation of effective school learning programs—improving education, their communities, and their profession. Randy was recognized by colleagues statewide on February 2, 2023, at the MESPYs, the premier elementary principal celebration of the year during MESPA Institute, the annual statewide convention of Minnesota’s elementary and middle-level principals. Principal Qual’s most significant career accomplishment is receiving the 2022 National ESEA Distinguished School. ESEA is a national program that recognizes schools that have successfully used their Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) federal funds to improve the education of all students. Randy is a proud member of the Mora Lions and the Mustang Boosters Club and enjoys going to sporting events, fishing, deer hunting, playing cards, and spending time with his family. Randy replied "I'm honored to be nominated for this award. I am lucky to work with a wonderful staff that cares about our school and community. Mora Elementary has amazing students and supportive parents that want the best for their kids. It's a great place to be on a daily basis.” MESPA members selected 13 of their peers to receive the 2023 MESPA Division Leadership Achievement Award. Jon Millerhagen, MESPA Executive Director, congratulated the award winners by saying, “MESPA members who receive the Division Leadership Achievement Award are the strong foundations of their schools, their communities, and our association. They are transformational leaders who care deeply for their students. Our association benefits greatly from their knowledge, enthusiasm, passion, and commitment.” Congratulations, Mr. Qual.
almost 2 years ago, Mora Public Schools
Photo Randy Qual
MESPA logo
Ooops! the robot is too big!
almost 2 years ago, Duke Pancake
Chop down
MHS Robotics setting up for competition
almost 2 years ago, Duke Pancake
Team 4166
MHS robotics team setting up for competition!
almost 2 years ago, Duke Pancake
MHS Robotics setting up for competition
Custodian WANTED! Please see posting https://5il.co/1pyf0
almost 2 years ago, Janel Murphy
Please see post for details. Official Mustang logo.
Current Mora Community Preschool students can sign up starting March 1st at 8:00 am. All new families can sign up on March 7th at 8:00 am. Contact Annie or Carrie at 679-6225 with any questions. The link to print off the 23-24 Preschool Application paper application form is: https://5il.co/1prr0. The Link to fill out a google form application will be NOT active until March 7th at 8:00 am: https://forms.gle/nMVVAsPjWTAM4weA6
almost 2 years ago, Mora Public Schools
sunshine smiling
I am thrilled to share that this week, February 27 to March 3, is Public School Week. This week of recognition allows us to consider the incredible impact of our public schools on our communities, including here at Mora Public Schools. Our schools help prepare students for the rest of their lives, giving them the knowledge and skills to participate in our democracy, take on jobs in an increasingly competitive world, and continue to learn and thrive well into the future. Most of all, Public Schools Week represents a celebration of the promise of schools as places where every child - no matter their situation - is welcomed and celebrated. Here at Mora Public Schools, we are especially proud of the academic and extra-curricular activities we provide our students. Mora schools is an educational leader in East Central Minnesota in many ways. There are so many amazing things happening in our classrooms and buildings on a daily basis. We remain grateful for the people who have dedicated their lives to preparing students for the future. We look forward to celebrating Mora Public Schools with our entire community this week! Sincerely, Dan Voce Superintendent Mora Public Schools
almost 2 years ago, Mora Public Schools
celebrating Public Schools Week
Due to the icy roads Mora Schools will have an E-Learning Day on Monday, February 27. Thank you for your understanding.
almost 2 years ago, Dan Voce
There is a potential for freezing rain overnight. This may cause roads to be icy and difficult to safely travel on. We will be monitoring the conditions and roads closely in the morning and alert families around 6 am if there are any delays or cancelations.
almost 2 years ago, Dan Voce
Mora Schools will begin school on time Friday, February 24th. We appreciate your cooperation the last few days. Thanks to our plow drivers in the city, township, and county.
almost 2 years ago, Dan Voce
A public Meet and Greet has been scheduled for Thursday, March 16th from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. at Mora City Hall. MnDOT is conducting a corridor study of Hwy 65 and Hwy 23 in the city of Mora. MnDOT is seeking feedback from the community to understand the corridor’s needs, identify potential improvements and develop an ultimate vision for the future. The corridor vision will serve as a guide for future improvements along both highways with a planned reconstruction project in 2030. If you are unable to make it to the meeting, visit the corridor study webpage to provide feedback and learn more. https://talk.dot.state.mn.us/hwy-65-23-mora-corridor-study
almost 2 years ago, Mora Public Schools
map of the hwy 65 Hwy 23 corridor study
Due to predicted snow totals, strong winds, and dangerous travel conditions Mora Public Schools will have an E-Learning Day on Thursday, February 23. There will be no after school activities or evening events. We will be closely monitor conditions on Friday.
almost 2 years ago, Dan Voce
Today is Bus Driver Appreciation Day. Mora Public Schools thanks all of our drivers for all they do to safely transport our students. Be sure to thank our drivers.
almost 2 years ago, Dan Voce
Bus driver appreciation day.
Last bus route for Dean Stassen. Happy Retirement!
about 2 years ago, Mora Public Schools
Student with a card to thank Dean for bus driving.