The school district acknowledges that certain students may require medications during the school day. Please fill out the appropriate form and return to the health office. Please note: All prescription medications now require a medical provider’s signature.
Please contact the health office for any questions.
Mora Elementary School Health Office: 320-679-6200, ext 4007
Mora High School Health Office: 320-679-6200, ext 5032
Form for prescription medications: Administering Prescription Medications
Form for over-the-counter medications: Authorization for Administration of Medication at School
Form for asthma medication: Authorization for Self-Administration of Asthma Medication at School
Medication Procedure:
Designated school personnel are available to give the following medications:
1. Prescription medications are required more frequently than three (3) times per day. (Medications given three (3) times per day or less can usually be given entirely outside of the school day)
2. Prescription medications specifically ordered by the physician to be given during the school day
3. Over-the-counter medications, which the parent or legal guardian feels is necessary for their child to function optimally. Over-the-counter medications administered must comply with the label instructions on the bottle.
The procedure, that must be followed for the district to dispense medications to your student is:
a) The health office must have written permission from the parent/guardian and physician approving the administration of the medication by designated school personnel. The Administering Prescription Medications form is for prescription medications. Over-the-counter medications need the Authorization for Administration of Medication at School form filled out. Both forms can be found on the health services webpage or within the health office.
b) Parents and/or guardians are responsible for safely transporting students’ medications to the health office and picking them up at the end of the year.
c) The medication must be in the original bottle. This pertains to prescription and over-the-counter medications. Ask the pharmacy to fill the medication in duplicated containers with the appropriate amount your student will need to be dispensed into a container for school use.
d) Prescription medications – Administering Prescription Medications form needs to be filled out. Prescription medication must contain a pharmacy label including the child’s name, physician’s name, pharmacy, medication: name, dose, & strength, amount to be given, length of treatment, and any possible side effects or adverse reactions (pharmacy to specify). This includes inhalers & EpiPens.
e) Non-prescription medications - Authorization for Administration of Medication at School form needs to be filled out. Medication must be unopened, in the original bottle, and not expired.
f) Medication administration:
a. The health offices are not suppliers of medication. Parents and/or Guardians are responsible for providing the medication to the health office.
b. Parents and/or Guardians are responsible for notifying the health office immediately of any changes in the administration of the medication. A new form Administering Prescription Medications or Authorization for Administration of Medication at School must be submitted for changes.
c. All medications given will be recorded on medication administration records
d. Medications will be stored in a locked cabinet in the health office
e. Special Circumstances: if parents wish to have their student administer their own medication, which includes inhalers, over-the-counter medications, and/or emergency medications during the course of the school day, need to fill out the appropriate forms located within the health office. Licensed administrative approval is required before such practice can begin. Approval is granted on a case-by-case basis.
f. Health office staff will dispose of all unclaimed medications prior to the start of the coming school year. No medications or forms will be carried over to the next school year.
g. It continues to be our policy not to give medication of any kind without a parent and/or guardian’s permission. No student is to provide another student with medication of any kind. Likewise, please do not send your child to school with medications for them to take independently. Another child may pick up the medication and take it with dangerous results.
h. In the event of a field trip or sporting event, arrangements for taking medications will be worked out with the student’s classroom teacher/coach.