Food for Friends
Food for Friends Mission Statement:
Educating and supporting youth by assisting them with food availability, nutrition education, and access to community resources.
Food for Friends (or FFF) is a student food shelf located in the Mora High School. This is a place where students in need can come to get food and other necessities such as toothpaste, deodorant, shampoo, paper products, detergent pods, ect. Students access FFF for a variety of reasons and we encourage all students to stop in. Anyone in need of items from FFF is welcome to visit and take what they need during the last two hours of the school day. Items are meant to be brought home for use and should not be used/consumed in school. Items in Food for Friends are purchased from monetary donations or stocked from food donations. All donations are greatly appreciated! 100% of all donations go to our school community! If you would like to make a food donation, we are always accepting these popular items at Food for Friends:
Peanut Butter
Instant Oatmeal
Bar Soap
Pancake Mix
Fresh Fruit
Muffin Mix
Canned Chicken
Food for Friends is maintained and managed by students. The FFF board is now accepting student applications for the FFF student club and student volunteers.
In addition to food support, we have the ability to coordinate specific donations to specific needs. We welcome donors wanting to support the homeless/highly mobile and economically disadvantaged youth with:
Food Availability
Purchase of Legal Documents - Birth Certificates
Emergency Funds - Transportation and Emergency Housing
Driver’s Ed or Behind the Wheel
Donations can be made at Neighborhood National Bank, Mora ALC, Mora High School Office, or Mora Elementary Office, with checks payable to Food for Friends. Please specify if you have a particular area in which you would like to concentrate your support, and we will honor your request.
Thank you to our Donors!
Girl Scouts
Grace Lutheran
Zion Lutheran
Grace Lutheran Women-WELCA
Calvary-Children of Calvary
United Methodist Church
Emmanuel Baptist Church
First Presbyterian Church
Seven Co. Senior Federation
Mora Bike Tour
Town & Country Garden Club
MSNA Eat Central Chapter 25
Mora Masonic Chapter #158
Minnesota Masonic Charities
Neighborhood National Bank
And many individual donors...